Course Syllabus

Spring 2013
The Art of Integrative Care
RELR 475, 2 units
(6 weekly clock hours of instruction & course work) X 11 weeks = 66 quarter clock hours of instruction and coursework
Extra work required for 3rd unit (Third Unit =3 weekly clock hours of instruction & work) X 11 = 33)
Canvas Version
Johnny Ramirez-Johnson, Ed.D., M.A.

Matthew 28:16-20
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’” Jesus The Christ

Office: Centennial Complex 3226-J
Telephone: 909.558.4856, ext 42942
: 909.382.1912   I answer unless busy, PLEASE do not leave voice messages, TEXT me!!

Course Description:
A study of the relationship of the physical, mental, relational, and spiritual dimensions of whole person care in the giving of health care.  This course explores the Gospel Commission as it applies to the health care ministry.  Two aspects are covered; the personal relationship with Christ and the outreach to your patients and friends.


School of Religion Learning Goals

1)     Demonstrate knowledge and competent use of scripture.
2)     Show understanding of Christian theology and history, with specific attention to Seventh-day Adventist life and thought.
3)     Explain the interaction between ethics and religious commitments and beliefs.
4)     Explore the ways in which faith relates to personal wholeness, professional practice, and witness.
5)     Describe ways in which moral advocacy can shape society.

Course Objectives:

1)      To update, or formulate, a personal philosophy of whole person care in the care of patients and their families.

2)      To seek a closer relationship with Jesus Christ as a personal savior.  For non-Christians the objective is—To seek an understanding of what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

3)      To recognize sources of wholeness and brokenness in the human condition.

4)      To learn the faith factor and how it works.

5)      To reformulate life’s mission statement and mission narrative.

Course Textbooks:

----------BOOKSTORE PURCHASE BOOKS----------

1.      The Holy Bible, New International Version or any other version.

2.      Siroj Sorajjakool and Henry Lamberton, Editors. (2004). Spirituality, Health, and Wholeness: An Introductory Guide for Health Care Professionals, Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press.  ISBN: 978-0-7890-1497-9 (SS&HL)

----------ONLINE FREE BOOKS----------

3.      Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ by, Silver Springs, MD: The Ellen G. White Publications, n.d.  <>

 4.      Kathy McMillan, Editor. n.d. Health Care and Religious Beliefs Loma Linda, CA: Loma Linda University Medical Center.        <>

Course Requirements:

1.      Discussion Board (Discussion of Class Learning Activities and Textbook Readings)
         Using the discussion board within Canvas course website students will report, dialogue with other students on their experiences and ideas about all aspects of the course as well as their readings of textbook After reading all assigned textbook chapters and other learning activities (Ppts, websites or other) the students will reflect on what they learned writing:

a)   One substantive personal comment (a few sentences long)
b)   One substantive response (a few sentences long) to another student’s comment.
c)    Besides these two required entries students may add whichever other comments they like to add (of whatever length).

2.      Chapter Responses (essays and quizzes)
        Read all assigned textbooks (Siroj Sorajjakool & Henry Lamberton, Editors, Spirituality, Health, and Wholeness: An Introductory Guide for Health Care Professionals; Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ; Kathy McMillan, Editor. Health Care and Religious Beliefs) and respond via the assigned assessment activities (essays and quizzes).

3.      Mission Narrative Statement
         First read the LLU Mission Statement found at <>
         You will write a three to five (3-5) pages doubled spaced typed Mission Narrative Statement of your life answering these questions in an integral fashion (do not answer question by question with divisions, write as an essay all integrated together in one narrative).
a.      What is the purpose of your life?
b.      What do you want people to say of you at your funeral?
c.       What are your major spiritual/religious beliefs and why?
d.      How do you plan to promote the Loma Linda University Mission Statement?

4.      Mission Statement
        Short statement to answer what to do on a daily basis (a sentence or two) indicating your core life guiding values. Students will write the Mission Statement for their lives answering the question—What is the purpose of my life? This stament should serve the writer as they decide on what to do on a daily basis. Since time is limited we all can do more things than the ones we actually end up doing. Our MS should help us deciding what we actually do with out limited time!

5.      Professional & Patient / Friend Witnessing
a.      Select a person (preferably a health care worker you trust) with whom you want to share your walk with God, this persona can be anyone you trust.  You will share with this person at least three (3) times during the quarter discussing what your feelings are about what you are reading.  You will report on Blackboard after having the three conversations by the end of the quarter.—Submit a report as the appropriate Canvas course website entry point.
         i.  Share personal walk with God with one person (a health care professional)
         ii. Synthesizing sharing activity essay
b.      Select a patient with whom you will have three conversations about spirituality and health. You will report on Blackboard after having the three conversations by the end of the quarter.—Submit a report as the appropriate Canvas course website entry point.
         i.  Share personal walk with God with one person (a patient or friend)
         ii. Synthesizing sharing activity essay

Weight for Learning Activities

1.      Discussion Board (Discussion of Class Learning Activities and Textbook Readings)

2.      Textbook Assignments (essays and quizzes)
3.a     Mission Narrative Statement
3.b.   Mission Statement
4.a     Witnessing

4.b    Witnessing
Patient / Friend

TOTAL  100%

Learning Activities Schedule

Quarter Weeks

Learning Tasks

Points Possible

Week # 1     Due Date on Canvas

Chptr 1 SS

Discussion Board



Week # 2     Due Date on Canvas

Chptr 2 SS

Discussion Board



Week # 3     Due Date on Canvas

Chptr 3 SS

Discussion Board



Week # 4     Due Date on Canvas

Chptr 4 SS

Discussion Board



Week # 5     Due Date on Canvas

Chptr 5 SS

Discussion Board



Week # 6     Due Date on Canvas

Chptr 6 SS

Discussion Board



Week # 7     Due Date on Canvas

Chptr 7 SS

Discussion Board



Week # 8     Due Date on Canvas

Chptr 8 SS

Discussion Board



Week # 9     Due Date on Canvas

Steps To Christ

Discussion Board



Week # 10     Due Date on Canvas

Mission Narrative Statement &

Mission Statement

Discussion Board





Week # 11     Due Date on Canvas

Professional &

Patient / Friend Witnessing







Grade distribution:

            100% to 93%      A         92% to 90%       A-

            89% to 86%       B+        85% to 83%       B          82% to 80%       B-

            79% to 76%       C+        75% to 73%       C          72% to 70%       C-

            69% to 60%       D         Below 59%        F

  • As a believer the student will continue searching for present truth and never stop learning from the Bible, the church community and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
If you are an individual with a certifiable disability and need to make a request for reasonable accommodation to fully participate in this class, please visit the Dean's Office of your school. 
Acts of dishonesty including theft, plagiarism, giving or obtaining information in examinations or other academic exercises, or knowingly giving false information are unacceptable. Substantiated violations are to be brought before the dean for disciplinary action. Such action may include, but is not limited to, academic probation or dismissal from the program. 
The purpose of the Protected Health Information (PHI) policy is to provide guidance and establish clear expectations for students regarding the appropriate access to and use of PHI during course studies and related program activities. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), patient health information is protected.

Definition of academic required, lawful work hours as per Federal US Department of Education

"Definition of a Credit Hour: Current regulation does not contain a definition of a credit hour. The proposed regulations establish a definition of a credit hour that is consistent with the Carnegie Unit (“one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time”). The proposed rules also allow institutions to establish equivalencies that are demonstrated by “learning outcomes and verified achievement.” A method to convert clock hours to credit hours is included in the proposed regulations."

"The new rules require that accrediting organizations, as part of accreditation reviews, must evaluate the reliability and accuracy of the institution’s assignment of credit hours and take action to address any deficiencies identified. This creates new review and reporting requirements for accrediting organizations and the institutions and programs they accredit, in addition to the current requirement that accrediting organizations assess an institution’s measure of program length. If the accrediting organization finds “systemic noncompliance” with the accreditor’s policies or “significant noncompliance” regarding one or more programs at the institution, the accrediting organization is now required to “promptly notify” USDE."

"The proposed regulations also add a requirement that, to authorize an institution, states must review and evaluate the institution’s policies and procedures for the assignment of credit hours and the institution’s application of its policies and procedures in assigning credit hours to its programs and courses."

2 Trimester/Quarter Undergraduate Hours* Requirements**  

In Class:             2   weekly in class X 11 weeks = 22 hours

Out of Class: + 11 weeks X 2 hours X 2 credits  = 44 hours

Total hours of course work =                                  66


*  50 minutes
** "a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter hour of credit"
*** 60 minutes
**** "In Class" for a distance education, all online course is obviously not "in class" but on Canvas at home along with the "Out of Class" time.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due